"I will not leave you as orphans..." - John 14:18

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

An Unexpected Twist

The Coombs family adoption has taken a bit of a twist.

It's been a while since we posted on here. Both Travis and I couldn't get ourselves to write about what was happening with our adoption. We were disheartened and confused, to be quite honest. Bringing our questions to God and not to the world was just about all we could do. I'm sure most of you already know that we lost our referral for our Ethiopian kids. It was very much bitter sweet when we learned they had been returned to their biological father, which of course, meant they would not be coming to us. We've spent the summer and early fall wrestling with this loss, praying for answers.

Just under a month ago, my husband Travis said, “If God wants us to adopt, He’s gonna have to drop something in our lap.” Famous last words, it seems. Not more than a few days later, it happened. A wonderful little bundle of joy was dropped in our lap. A baby girl, only a few weeks old, in Uganda. As most of you know, we’ve been pursuing an adoption in Ethiopia for the past five years, not Uganda. Hence, the twist of this incredibly wonderful, yet immensely difficult, faith-testing journey.

The last several weeks have been ones marked by wrestling and seeking Jesus with all we have. At the beginning of September, both Travis and I had the distinct impression that God was saying, "Wait on Me." But for what? We wondered. The door in Ethiopia had shut altogether after having lost the two children we were once given. And we found ourselves at a crossroads, not knowing what to do, praying and fasting and wondering if we were to pursue another country or give up or simply wait.

The Uganda door opened a few weeks later. And despite our fears, we prayerfully walked through it. We’re pursuing this baby girl and hope to have her home in the coming months!!! (We’d love to share pictures and other details, but we can’t yet! Rules, you know wink emoticon).

Our story is not yet over. Far from it, in fact. Only God knows how it will end, but regardless of what happens, we know Jesus is faithful and good.

We have an adoption fundraiser scheduled for December 4th from 6-9pm at Reno Provisions!! Stay tuned for more information!

Thank you to all of you who have prayed and given us support along this long crazy messy joy-filled path!

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