"I will not leave you as orphans..." - John 14:18

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February Waitlist Numbers!

It's that time again...    

Not too much to report on the adoption front other than the fact that there has been movement this month, which is always encouraging and exciting!!  Here are our updated numbers:

November - 59
December - 56
January - 53
February- 50

November - 47
December - 44
January - 44
February - 40

November - 22
December - 19
January - 18
February - 18 

It's always interesting to try to predict which child(ren) God has chosen for us.  Several months ago, we thought it very unlikely that we would be referred one baby girl due to the fact that we were so much higher on that list than the others, yet now, as we look at the recent movement, anything's a possibility!  

We began this process about 1 year 5 months ago, and we've been on the waitlist for almost 1 year, now.  While we remain confident that it is God's will for us to be on this journey, we still need to be graced with the patience, perseverance, encouragement, and comfort that only He can supply, so if you wouldn't mind, please keep us in your prayers.  

Thus far, we've been on an amazing journey!  And while it's proven difficult, we wouldn't trade it for the world!  By God's grace, our entire family has been growing through this trying process. 

As a mother, not knowing, but sensing, that our baby(ies) have already been born is hard to bear.  Wondering what they're experiencing - whether they are being loved, touched, and cared for - whether their bellies are full or if they're crying out in hunger with no response.  It's difficult knowing that during the first part of their lives, Travis and I are not the ones taking care of them - meeting their every need.  These are our children!  The love we have for them has already been written on our hearts!  Still, the only comfort in these thoughts comes with faith in our Heavenly Father.  Knowing that He is in control.  That He loves them, even more than we do, and that He is providing for them and taking care of them!  

Ethiopia is 11 hours ahead of where we are located.  Recently, we explained to the girls that when we are going to sleep, our baby is waking up, and vise versa.  Consequently, oftentimes we hear their sweet little voices saying, "good morning baby," as they are going to bed, and "nigh, night baby, sleep well," when they wake in the morning.  It's a beautiful thing to see the love our girls already have for their new brother/sister!

So, yes, it is difficult on all of us, yet we are waiting in faith.  The girls often ask, "Mommy, Daddy, when are we going to get our baby?"  And to this we respond, "When God says it's time. And He knows best."  I know this can be hard for our girls (as it is for Travis and I!), but I have seen amazing things as a result of this trial in their little lives.  Compassion has blossomed in their little hearts over the last year and a half that may not have been there had we not listened to God's call for us to adopt.  One such example of this is when our four year old sat and wept as she was watching a Christmas cartoon that happened to have orphans in it.  As she sat in my arms and watched this clip over and over at her request, she asked me, "Mommy, the orphans have nothing - no Mommy, no Daddy, no toys... Is there anything we can do?"  Yes, baby.  There is...  Compassion in a four year old.

Adoption is a beautiful thing!

This is what we've been up to in the last month...


Lunch in the lodge after skiing...

 My little bavarian girl wearing my dad's hat...

Our ballerinas...

 Ella lost her first tooth!!!!!  The whole family was excited!

Valentines day celebration with our homeschool Lions group...

Finally!!! A snow day!!!!!  Not too much snow, but certainly enough for a little snowman...

We'll be back next month...  Thank you again for your support and prayers!!

Many blessings!

Friday, February 10, 2012

January Waitlist Numbers {A bit late}

January came and went, didn't it?!?  Time just flew by, so here we are posting our update a bit late. Additionally, we just found out that we are now going to be getting our updated numbers at the end of each month, so our posts will reflect that change from here on out.

One additional change to our adoption journey is that we've prayerfully decided to expand our sibling referral perimeters from 0-12 months at the time of referral to 0-24 months, which includes the possibility of bringing home an older child as old as 2 1/2 (by the time of finalization), or it could mean that we'd still be open to the twin infant option as well.  This change was just put into place this week, so we'll see what God has planned for us!

We have received so much love and support from those around us, and we feel so blessed and are so thankful for all of you!!!  Many of you have been asking us how our adoption is going.  In these questions, we're sensing that many of you are just as anxious as we are to see all of our efforts come to fruition in bringing our child(ren) home SOON.  Yet, while this is our heart's desire, we also understand that it will all happen in God's timing, and we continue to pray for peace with how long our adoption journey will take despite our anticipation of the day we will finally be able to bring them home.  All the while, God remains faithful, and continues to provide us with a sense that it's all unfolding just as He has planned, which is comforting!

At this point, everything is moving forward in very positive direction, but it's simply a slow process due to many factors, many of which have to do with both the Ethiopian and US governments taking additional measures (as of last March) to ensure that everything's done on the "up and up," so to speak, and that each child adopted is served in the best way possible.  As you can imagine, with two world governments involved, it can take some time to get everything in place.

That's what's going on on the adoption front, so without further adieu, here are January's waitlist numbers:

October - 59
November - 59
December - 56
January - 53

October - 46
November - 47
December - 44
January - 44

October - 20
November - 22
December - 19
January - 18 

Here's what we've been up to since our last update...

Eating ice cream at our local Swensen's as a reward for each of the girls reading their 100th book!

Making sock puppets {thanks Angel!}...


Violin lessons from Daddy...

New shared room!!!  We came across an amazing deal on this bunk bed, so the girls moved in together as we make room for our new addition(s)...

 New Year's Eve Celebration...

Grayeagle condo weekend with some of our closest friends...

Good times!  And many more to come...  Hopefully, with another little one {or two} in tow!!!