We're excited to share with you all that we've been approved through Lifesong for Orphans to do a Both Hands project! Watch the video below to get a comprehensive overview of what this is and what it entails:
So, we're really early in this process, as we just received word of our approval.
What we need right now is to find a widow that we can serve. That said, if you know of a widow in the Reno area who...
1. owns her home
2. does not have financial means
3. does not have a big support system
4. is in need of home improvement
...please let us know!
If you're interested in joining our "core team" or participating in any way, please leave a comment below! We'd love to have you!!
God is good, and we look forward to how He will use this project in our lives, in the lives of those involved, as well as that of a widow!
{Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. ~ James 1:27}
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